A North Carolina 17-year-old caught in a sexting scandal faces charges of sexually exploiting a minor that could land him in jail for up to 10 years, since the law considers him an adult. But one of the minors he supposedly exploited is himself—which raises an obvious question: how can a teen be old enough to face adult felony charges, but not old enough to keep a nude picture of himself on his phone? Full Article
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The fact that this young person is “legally allowed to have sex, but not to sext” demonstrates the confused poorly thought out nature of these laws. Good laws don’t destroy (possible death at some future time) someones life and future and are proportionate to any perceived transgression. The current set of laws in this country do in fact destroy lives and futures and do in fact get people murdered, and are completely disproportionate to any infractions.
I think these are decisions the state has proven it’s self to be unqualified to make for anyone, especially for young people doing what young people do. These two were acting in a manner I would consider normal for people in their age group. So, here we go again; another life totally destroyed by laws that are not based on any kind of sound evidence or reasoning.
I’m in total agreement with the author, that the behavior of this young couples behavior should not even constitute a crime. I don’t consider their behavior to be “mildly worrisome,” I consider their behavior to be normal, especially for their age group.
This country is lost! We are feeding our youth into the mouth of the prison industrial complex. A few get rich, and an entire generation is being destroyed. God help us!
If this wasn’t someone’s actual life, it would be funny.
two things are wrong here, exploiting a minor one of which is himself (minor being the key word) but charge him with adult charges (adult being the other) so is he a minor or an adult? I’m confused
I don’t know how the politicians are going to have enough intellect to be able to fix all the problems with all these laws. They don’t care enough and aren’t intelligent enough to see the registry and all these sex laws are going to destroy and devide our country
It’s hard to imagine let alone believe that a person can do ten years in prison for sending naked photos to his girlfriend. Unbelievable
These same politicians were probably part of the Hippie culture during the 1968 “Summer of Love” concerts when they were teens, doing what now would have incarcerated them; and they may fondly cherish those memories.
Scholars wonder why ancient civilized Rome routinely provided such gory shows in their coliseum for the masses. Some believe it was because such shows at least reduced the politicians’ own UNpopularity.
The only positive that can come from this ridiculous situation is that a wealth of friends and family members supporting this young man will come to grips with the reality of sex offender laws. They may not outwardly join an RSOL-type movement; however, they will think twice before voting for certain laws.
Everyone take note this an example of what we consider to be justice in the United States. Various levels of government pass laws for the greater good and then those who are supposed to be protected get caught up in a weird loophole only to have their lives ripped apart. Bottom line is state and federal government screwed up big time. Each passing year more ridiculous cases are publicized to the shock of everyone and hardly anyone has dared to ask; is it time to rethink our approach to all of this? Let’s stop ruining lives and start making sure less lives are able to be ruined in the future by actually beginning to work on the problem in smarter more efficient ways rather than throwing more resources and consequences at the wall and waiting to see what sticks.
The morality police are at it again. If only they would take a vacation. Let’s hope it is a very long vacation.